
Summer is almost here! Please prayerfully consider teaching a 9:30 or 10:45 preschool class [nursery-5’s] or helping with 9:30 children’s church this summer. You can sign up for a week, or a month, or the whole summer! Sign up at the Children’s Ministry desk or you can see what spots are available/sign up HERE.

We'd invite you to come see and celebrate all that God has done in lives this year through re:generation. Please join this year's participants for a joy-filled time of worship and testimony! Lite refreshments will be served.

All current 2nd-5th graders [ages 8 and up] are invited to join us for mornings of VBS and afternoons of adventures from June 3rd-7th. REGISTRATION IS CLOSED.

Join us once a month this summer as we gather around a meal and testify to God’s faithfulness in our lives with one another. How have you seen His faithfulness in your life or another’s life this week, this year? Come fellowship and celebrate God’s faithfulness in the midst of our journeys. Bring a friend!

Help us prepare! Register HERE

When: June 8 + July 13 + August 3

Where: Room 5 at MPC

Time: 9am-10:30am